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Nine national ministries and commissions: Several Opinions on accelerating the industrialization of new buildings

分类:News 1154


On August 4, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the Ministry of education, the Ministry of science and technology, the Ministry of industry and information technology and other nine departments jointly issued several opinions on accelerating the industrialization of new buildings, which benefited the BIPV (photovoltaic building integration) industry. The opinions pointed out that it is necessary to accelerate the integration and development of information technology and promote the development of intelligent construction technology. Accelerate the deep integration of new building industrialization and high-end manufacturing, and build an Internet platform for the construction industry. Promote intelligent photovoltaic application demonstration and promote the application of photovoltaic power generation system combined with buildings. Carry out intelligent upgrading of production equipment and construction equipment, and encourage the application of intelligent equipment such as construction robots, industrial robots and intelligent mobile terminals. Promote smart home, smart office and building automation systems to improve the convenience and comfort of buildings.


Opinions of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and other departments on accelerating the industrialization of new buildings


Departments of housing and urban rural development (committees and management committees), departments of Education (committees), departments of science and Technology (committees and bureaus), competent departments of industry and information technology, competent departments of natural resources and departments (bureaus) of ecological environment of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, Shanghai headquarters, branches, business management departments, central sub branches of provincial capitals (capitals), central sub branches of sub provincial cities, and Market Supervision Bureau of the people’s Bank of China (departments and commissions), all banking and insurance regulatory bureaus, housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, Education Bureau, science and Technology Bureau, industry and Information Bureau, competent department of natural resources, ecological environment bureau and Market Supervision Bureau:

Driven by the new generation of information technology, the new building industrialization integrates the whole industry chain, value chain and innovation chain of the project by means of systematic integrated design and lean production and construction in the whole life cycle of the project, so as to realize the building industrialization with high efficiency, high quality, low consumption and low emission. Since the issuance and implementation of the guiding opinions of the general office of the State Council on vigorously developing prefabricated buildings (GBF [2016] No. 71), the industrialization of new buildings represented by prefabricated buildings has been promoted rapidly, and the construction level and construction quality have been significantly improved. In order to fully implement the new development concept, promote the green development and high-quality development of urban and rural construction, drive the comprehensive transformation and upgrading of the construction industry with new building industrialization, and create an internationally competitive “built in China” brand, the following opinions are put forward.


1、 Strengthen systematic integrated design


(1) Promote the coordination of the whole industrial chain. Implement the architect responsibility system for new building industrialization projects, and encourage design units to provide whole process consulting services. Optimize the technical planning scheme in the early stage of the project, and make overall planning and design, production and transportation of components and parts, construction and installation, operation and maintenance management. Guide the construction units and general contracting units to promote resource sharing, system integration and linkage development upstream and downstream of the industrial chain with the goal of building final products and comprehensive benefits.

(2) Promote multi-disciplinary collaboration. By means of digital design, promote the integrated design of multi disciplines such as architecture, structure, equipment pipeline and decoration, improve the integrity of the building, avoid secondary split design, ensure that the design depth meets the production and construction requirements, and give full play to the integrated advantages of new building industrialization system.

(3) Promote standardized design. Improve the design and selection standards, implement the standardized design of building plane, facade, components, parts and interfaces, promote the design method of less specifications and more combinations, focus on schools, hospitals, office buildings, hotels and residences, strengthen the design guidance and promote the prefabricated building system.

(4) Strengthen the technical demonstration of design scheme. Implement the architectural design requirements of the organic unity of standardized design, industrialized construction and architectural style of new building industrialization projects, and shape the characteristic style of the city. In the review stage of architectural design scheme, strengthen the demonstration of the implementation of the design requirements of new building industrialization projects to avoid the uniformity of architectural style.


2、 Optimize the production of components and parts



(5) Promote standardization of components and components. Prepare the size guide of main components, promote the industrialized production of profile steel and concrete components, precast concrete wallboard, laminated floor, stairs and other general components, meet the requirements of standardized design and selection, expand the use scale of standardized components and parts, and gradually reduce the production cost of components and parts.

(6) Improve integrated building components. Prepare the relevant standard atlas of integrated and modular building parts, improve the industrial supporting capacity of building parts such as integral bathroom, integrated kitchen and integral doors and windows, and gradually form a standardized and serialized supply system of building parts.

(7) Promote the balance between supply and demand of production capacity. Comprehensively consider the transportation and service radius of components, parts and components, guide the rational layout of production capacity, strengthen the monitoring of market information, regularly publish the production capacity supply and demand of components, parts and components, and improve the utilization rate of production capacity.

(8) Promote the certification of components and parts. Prepare relevant technical requirements for new building industrialized components and parts, implement quality certification system, improve supporting insurance system, and improve product supporting capacity and quality level.

(9) Promote the application of green building materials. We will develop new building materials that are safe, healthy, environment-friendly and have excellent performance, promote the certification, promotion and application of green building materials, promote the first use of green building materials in new building industrialization projects such as prefabricated buildings, and gradually increase the application proportion of green building materials in new urban buildings.


3、 Promote Lean Construction


(10) Vigorously develop steel structure buildings. Hospitals, schools and other public buildings are encouraged to give priority to the use of steel structure, and actively promote the construction of steel structure housing and rural housing. Improve the performance and technical measures such as fire prevention and corrosion prevention of steel structure buildings, increase the application of hot-rolled H-section steel, weather resistant steel and fire-resistant steel, and promote the all-round development of key technologies of steel structure buildings and related industries.

(11) Promote prefabricated concrete buildings. Improve the prefabricated concrete building structure system suitable for different building types, and increase the integrated application of high-performance concrete, high-strength reinforcement, energy dissipation, shock absorption and prestress technology. We will actively apply prefabricated concrete structures in indemnificatory housing and commercial housing, and encourage areas with conditions to comprehensively promote the application of prefabricated internal partitions, prefabricated stair slabs and prefabricated floors.

(12) Promote the full decoration of buildings. Prefabricated buildings and star green building projects should promote full decoration, actively develop finished houses, advocate menu full decoration, and meet the personalized needs of consumers. Promote the application of assembly decoration in commercial housing projects, promote pipeline separation and integrated decoration technology, promote integrated modular building components, improve decoration quality and reduce operation and maintenance costs.

(13) Optimize construction technology and construction method. Promote the green construction method of assembly, guide construction enterprises to develop construction processes and methods such as hoisting, transportation and stacking of parts and components and connection of parts and components suitable for lean construction, promote the application of supporting equipment and machines such as steel bar positioning steel plate, and improve the industrialization level of on-site construction in the links of material handling, steel bar processing and high-altitude welding.

(14) Innovate the construction organization mode. Improve the lean construction organization mode suitable for the industrialization of new buildings, promote the integration mode of design, procurement, production and construction, implement the collaborative construction of prefabricated building decoration and main structure and electromechanical equipment, give full play to the advantages of interspersed construction of structure and decoration, and improve the fine management level of construction site.

(15) Improve construction quality and benefit. Strengthen the quality and safety control of key parts and processes such as mobilization of components and parts, construction and installation, node connection grouting, sealing and waterproof, strengthen the quality and safety technical disclosure to construction managers and front-line operators, and comprehensively improve the construction quality and efficiency through the whole process organization management and technical optimization integration.


4、 Accelerate the integrated development of information technology

(16) Vigorously promote building information model (BIM) technology. Accelerate the integrated application of BIM Technology in the whole life cycle of new building industrialization. Make full use of social resources to jointly establish and maintain standardized parts and components library based on BIM Technology, so as to realize information interconnection and interactive sharing in the stages of design, procurement, production, construction, delivery, operation and maintenance. We will pilot promote the BIM construction application approval and construction drawing BIM review mode, promote the integration and linkage with the urban information model (CIM) platform, improve the information supervision ability and improve the resource allocation efficiency of the whole industrial chain of the construction industry.

(17) Accelerate the application of big data technology. Promote the application of big data technology in project management, bidding and credit system construction, rely on the national public service platform for construction market supervision, gather, integrate and analyze relevant big data such as relevant enterprises, projects, employees and credit information, support market monitoring and data analysis, and improve the public service capacity and supervision efficiency of the construction industry.

(18) Promote the application of Internet of things technology. Promote the integrated application of Internet of things technologies such as sensor network, low-power Wan, 5g, edge computing, radio frequency identification (RFID) and two-dimensional code identification in smart construction sites, develop wearable devices, improve the health and safety monitoring ability of construction workers, and promote the application of animal networking technology in monitoring and management, energy conservation and emission reduction and intelligent buildings.

(19) Promote the development of intelligent construction technology. Accelerate the deep integration of new building industrialization and high-end manufacturing, and build an Internet platform for the construction industry. Promote intelligent photovoltaic application demonstration and promote the application of photovoltaic power generation system combined with buildings. Carry out intelligent upgrading of production equipment and construction equipment, and encourage the application of intelligent equipment such as construction robots, industrial robots and intelligent mobile terminals. Promote smart home, smart office and building automation systems to improve the convenience and comfort of buildings.


5、 Innovative organization and management mode

(20) We will vigorously promote general contracting of projects. New building industrialization projects actively promote the general contracting mode and promote the deep integration of design, production and construction. Guide key enterprises to improve their project management, technological innovation and resource allocation capabilities, cultivate EPC enterprises with comprehensive management capabilities, implement the main responsibilities of EPC units, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of EPC units.

(21) Develop whole process engineering consultation. Vigorously develop the whole process engineering consulting services that are market-oriented and meet the diversified needs of the client, and cultivate the whole process engineering consulting enterprises with the business capabilities of survey, design, supervision, bidding agency, cost and so on.

(22) Improve the supervision of prefabricated components. Strengthen the quality management of prefabricated components, actively adopt the factory supervision system, implement the traceability of quality responsibility in the whole process, encourage the use of means such as filing management of component manufacturers and flight inspection of component quality, and establish a long-term mechanism.

(23) Explore the project insurance system. Establish and improve the project quality insurance and guarantee system, and help enterprises strengthen risk control and ensure the quality of construction projects through the risk accident prevention and rate adjustment mechanism of insurance.

(24) Establish user supervision mechanism. Prepare guidelines for house inspection of green residential buyers, encourage the inclusion of indicators related to residential green performance and full decoration quality into commercial housing sales contracts, residential quality assurance certificates and residential operation instructions, clarify quality warranty responsibilities and dispute handling methods, and protect the rights and interests of buyers.


6、 Strengthen scientific and technological support

(25) Cultivate scientific and technological innovation bases. Establish a number of innovation bases such as new building industrialization technology innovation centers and key laboratories, and encourage backbone enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes to jointly establish a new building industrialization industry technology innovation alliance.

(26) Strengthen scientific and technological research and development. Vigorously support the research and development of BIM bottom platform software, increase the joint research on enclosure system, material performance and connection technology of steel structure housing, accelerate the research and development of grouting quality detection and efficient connection technology of prefabricated concrete structure, and strengthen the research and development of intelligent construction technology products such as building robots.

(27) Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Establish a library of major scientific and technological achievements in the industrialization of new buildings, increase the disclosure of scientific and technological achievements, promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the innovative development of new technologies, new materials, new products and new processes in the construction field.


7、 Accelerate the cultivation of professionals

(28) Cultivate professional technical management talents. Vigorously cultivate professionals in new building industrialization, expand the talent team in design, production, construction and management, strengthen the continuing education of professionals and technicians in new building industrialization, and encourage enterprises to establish a chief information officer (CIO) system.

(29) Cultivate skilled industrial workers. We will deepen the reform of the construction employment system, improve the skill level evaluation system for construction employees, and promote the integration of academic certificates and vocational skill level certificates. Open up the professional development path of construction workers, carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, strengthen vocational skills training, and vigorously cultivate the ranks of industrial workers.

(30) Increase the training of reserve talents. Promote school enterprise cooperation among enterprises related to new construction industrialization, support schools and enterprises to jointly build a number of modern industrial colleges, support colleges and universities to meet the new needs, new business forms and new technologies of the development of the construction industry, open courses related to prefabricated construction, innovate talent training mode and provide professional talent guarantee.


8、 Carry out the evaluation of new building industrialization projects

(31) Formulate evaluation criteria. Establish a new construction industrialization project evaluation technical index system, focus on the application of information technology, and lead construction projects to continuously improve labor productivity and construction quality.

(32) Establish the application mechanism of evaluation results. Encourage new building industrialization project units to carry out self-evaluation or entrusted third-party evaluation according to the evaluation standards after the completion of the project, and actively explore the regional new building industrialization system evaluation. The evaluation results can be used as an important reference for incentive policies.


9、 Increase policy support

(33) Strengthen project implementation. Local housing and urban-rural construction departments shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, organize the preparation of special plans and annual development plans for the industrialization of new buildings, and clarify the development objectives, key tasks and specific implementation scope. We should strengthen the promotion and clarify the incentive measures for the industrialization of new buildings in all links of project initiation, project approval and project management. Government investment projects should take the lead in building according to the new mode of building industrialization, and encourage and support social investment projects to adopt the new mode of building industrialization.

(34) Increase financial support. Support new construction industrialization enterprises to carry out financing by issuing corporate bonds and corporate bonds. We will improve the policy environment for green finance to support new building industrialization, actively explore diversified green financial support methods, and give green financial support to new building industrialization projects that meet the star standard of green buildings. Make good use of the national green development fund and encourage all localities to set up special funds without adding hidden debt.

(35) Increase environmental protection policy support. Support construction enterprises to do a good job in environmental impact assessment and monitoring. During heavily polluted weather, new building industrialization projects such as prefabricated buildings can not be stopped in the construction link of non earthwork operation. Establish the limit standard of construction waste discharge, carry out the publicity of construction waste discharge on the construction site, and encourage all localities to reward the construction enterprises that meet the requirements of construction waste reduction on the construction site.

(36) Strengthen support for science and technology promotion. We will promote national key R & D plans and scientific research projects, support the R & D of new building industrialization technologies, and encourage all localities to give priority to the inclusion of new building industrialization related technologies in the promotion and application of technology announcements and the promotion catalogue of scientific and technological achievements in the field of housing and urban and rural construction.

(37) Increase policy support for awards and excellence evaluation. Bring the industrialization development level of new urban buildings into the selection of China Habitat Environment Award and the evaluation index system of national ecological garden city. Vigorously support new building industrialization projects and participate in the selection of green building innovation award.


Ministry of housing and urban rural development of the people’s Republic of China

Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China
Ministry of industry and information technology of the people’s Republic of China
Ministry of natural resources of the people’s Republic of China
Ministry of ecological environment of the people’s Republic of China
People’s Bank of China
State Administration of market supervision
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission
August 28, 2020
(this document is publicly released)

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