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“Prevention and control novel coronavirus pneumonia emergency plan”, collect standby!

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Recently, most housing and municipal engineering sites and infrastructure projects have resumed work one after another. How to guide epidemic prevention and control at construction sites? How to make an emergency response plan? How can novel coronavirus pneumonia be effectively prevented and stopped in construction sites?

Novel coronavirus pneumonia emergency plan for housing and municipal engineering sites was issued in Guangdong housing construction office recently. Organization establishment, emergency response, classified treatment, follow-up management and protection, termination of the plan and other five parts are very detailed. The original text is as follows for your reference!

Department of housing and urban rural development of Guangdong Province

Notice on Issuing novel coronavirus pneumonia emergency plan for building and municipal works in Guangdong Province


Municipal competent departments of housing and urban rural development at or above the local level, transportation bureaus of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan and Zhongshan, rail transit bureaus of Foshan and Dongguan, water bureaus of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Heyuan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Yangjiang, Zhanjiang and Maoming, Water Conservancy Bureau of Qingyuan, and relevant units:

To strengthen the novel coronavirus pneumonia emergency management in the construction of the municipal housing project in Guangdong, and strictly prevent the spread of the epidemic situation, according to the “emergency plan for public health emergencies in Guangdong”, the guideline for the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of New Coronavirus pneumonia in Henan Province (trial version second). Novel coronavirus pneumonia guideline for novel coronavirus pneumonia, novel coronavirus pneumonia in Guangdong, China, “the new guidelines for prevention and control of new housing in urban areas in housing and municipal engineering”, second, and “Guangdong County Housing and municipal works site prevention and control of new crown pneumonia emergency response plan” are hereby issued to you. Please conscientiously implement them.


Department of housing and urban rural development of Guangdong Province
March 3, 2020


Novel coronavirus pneumonia emergency plan for Guangdong municipal housing and municipal works site prevention and control



The novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control system should be effectively guided to prevent and prevent the occurrence and spread of the new crown pneumonia in construction sites in the province. The emergency disposal work should be standardized, the health and safety of the employees should be protected, and the economic losses and adverse effects caused by the epidemic to the construction site could be reduced to the maximum. Novel coronavirus pneumonia guidelines for novel coronavirus pneumonia in Guangdong province (Second Edition) are issued according to the “Guangdong provincial emergency plan for public health emergency”, “guidelines for the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia in organs, enterprises and factories” (Second Edition), “guidelines for the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia in Guangdong housing and municipal engineering sites” (Second Edition). This plan is formulated in combination with the actual situation of construction sites in the province.


1、 Organization

all The construction site prevention and control leading group (hereinafter referred to as the prevention and control leading group) led by the owner must be established immediately according to the requirements of the project. The member units include general construction contractor, supervisor, professional contractor, labor subcontracting and other relevant units. The leading group consists of functional groups such as medical support, safety and logistics support and disinfection team, as well as temporary medical observation points and epidemic prevention material allocation on the construction site, so as to clarify the division of responsibilities and guarantee mechanism. Organize the preparation of emergency plans for epidemic prevention and control, And organize emergency plan drill. After the drill, evaluate the drill effect, analyze the existing problems, and put forward revision opinions on the emergency plan. Set up the post of health administrator, arrange special personnel to receive training, collect the health status of construction employees, and report the health status of employees to the local health department according to regulations.


2、 Emergency disposal

(1)Exception found. When employees are found to have fever, fatigue, dry cough and other suspected symptoms, they shall immediately report to the prevention and control leading group, which shall immediately start the emergency plan. Work shall be carried out according to the following four categories:
one If employees living outside the construction site have suspected symptoms, the health administrator shall require them to wear masks and stay in the room; Personnel in the same dormitory or room shall wear masks at the same time, temporarily stay in the room, keep the room ventilated, and keep a safe distance of at least 1m from them.
two Once employees living in dormitories on the construction site have suspected symptoms, the health administrator shall require them to wear masks and send them to temporary medical observation points on the construction site for isolation; Residents in the same dormitory shall wear masks and temporarily stay in the dormitory room.
three In case of any suspected symptoms of employees in the construction operation area, office area, canteen or other public areas, the health administrator shall require them to stop operation immediately, wear masks and send them to temporary medical observation points for isolation; Personnel in close contact with the construction operation area, office or other personnel (within a safe distance of 1m) shall wear masks and send them to temporary medical observation points for temporary detention. In the process of disposal, try to avoid taking the construction elevator, avoid being close to the crowd and prevent the spread of the epidemic.
four Once employees at the entrance and exit of the construction site have suspected symptoms, the health administrator shall require them to wear masks and temporarily place them in the nearby open space. People in close contact (within a safe distance of 1m) shall wear masks and temporarily leave them in the nearby open space. The surrounding people shall be evacuated immediately to prevent people from watching or gathering.
For other employees in close contact with the above situations, the health administrator shall require them to wear masks and send them to temporary medical observation points for isolation.
(2) Preliminary investigation. In case of suspicious cases, the health administrator shall immediately report to the local health department where the construction site is located, and assist in inquiring about whether the persons with suspected symptoms have residence history, travel history or contact history with other cases in key areas of the epidemic in recent 14 days, so as to carry out preliminary investigation.
(3) Send to hospital for treatment. The work shall be carried out according to the following two categories:
1. If there is no epidemiological history, it is required to wear a mask, and the general contractor shall arrange a special vehicle to send it to the fever clinic of the local designated hospital for treatment.
2. If there is an epidemiological history, ask them to wear masks, immediately contact the local designated hospital, and the hospital will arrange an ambulance to transfer them to the fever clinic for further examination and treatment. At the same time, report to the local disease control agency.
(4) Follow up. The construction general contractor shall track and follow up the medical treatment information of employees in the whole process according to the following two situations:
1. if the novel coronavirus pneumonia can be excluded, temporary retention of the relevant personnel is removed.
2. if novel coronavirus pneumonia cannot be excluded, relevant investigation and disposal work should be carried out in conjunction with the CDC.
All personnel who cooperate with disease control institutions to carry out epidemiological investigation shall do a good job in personal protection and wear medical surgical masks.
3、 Classification processing
(1) Disposal by patient type
1. Suspected patient. After receiving the notification of suspected patients from the disease control agency, the general contractor shall assist in investigation and treatment, do a good job in the investigation and registration of close contacts of suspected patients, timely obtain the behavior track of employees with suspected diseases and the information records of contacts, objects and areas, delimit the risk scope, isolate frequent contacts and objects, and take emergency measures according to the risk degree.
2. Confirm the patient. After receiving the notification of confirmed patients from disease control institutions, the construction general contractor shall assist in investigation and disposal, identify employees who have had contact with patients and search for close contacts. Under the guidance of the disease control institution, according to the epidemic prevention regulations and disinfection guidelines, clean, disinfect at any time and disinfect at the end of the case’s dormitory (residence), construction operation area, public places and construction elevator. In principle, the places where the diagnosed patients have been from 2 days before the onset to before isolation treatment, and the places where they stay for more than 1 hour, have small space and poor ventilation should be listed as epidemic spots. In principle, one or several construction areas, offices, meeting rooms, the same corridor and the same building are the units of epidemic spots. Places involved in the diagnosis of patients and their close contacts It can be used again only after terminal disinfection.
Do a good job in cleaning, disinfection and epidemic prevention in other areas, especially ensure the ventilation, air conditioning and other public facilities and public appliances in personnel gathering places, and disinfect public places such as offices, canteens, dormitories, conference rooms, construction areas and toilets every day; According to the suggestions of local disease control institutions, start closed management, take measures such as blocking dormitories and buildings according to local conditions, and strictly restrict the access of personnel, especially foreign personnel and vehicles. Continue to do a good job in the health monitoring of employees, cooperate with disease control institutions to do a good job in the health monitoring of centralized isolated medical observers, and ensure the supply of facilities, equipment and materials required for emergency disposal, as well as the safety of catering and drinking water. Communicate with disease control institutions every day and report the latest situation in time.
(2) Dispose according to the degree of aggregation
1. If there is a suspected case, or a patient, or an epidemic caused by contact outside the construction site, and no transmission occurs within the construction site through epidemiological investigation, implement zoning management, check the body temperature and health status of personnel entering and leaving the construction site, minimize the gathering of employees, disperse protection, and follow the requirements of disease control institutions, Take rotation or partial shutdown measures as appropriate.
2. In case of more than 2 sporadic cases, or 2 unrelated aggregated outbreaks of infection caused by contact outside the construction site, or 1 aggregated outbreak of infection caused by contact inside the construction site, the local epidemic prevention and control headquarters shall take corresponding control measures after evaluation. Hard isolation shall be implemented for construction sites with aggregated epidemic situations. The local competent department of housing and urban rural development, under the leadership of the local epidemic prevention and control headquarters, shall cooperate with the health department to investigate and decide whether the construction site is shut down due to the epidemic situation and the scope of shutdown.
4、 Follow up management and protection
(1) Strict isolation. In principle, Close contacts are those who live and work with patients (such as offices, construction work areas, teams, etc.), or other personnel in close contact, such as construction elevators, corridors, public toilets, etc; Those who take transport vehicles together, such as all personnel of fully enclosed air-conditioned buses; Passengers and drivers in the front and rear rows of ventilated ordinary buses, as well as those who are found to meet the close contact conditions through on-site investigation and evaluation. In addition to close contacts, those who have been in contact with the case but do not meet the judgment principle of close contacts are determined as general contacts.
Those who are determined to be close contacts through investigation by disease control institutions shall be handed over to the local designated centralized isolation medical observation point for 14 days of centralized isolation medical observation. Before implementation, the flow shall be reduced locally; Novel coronavirus pneumonia should be registered and informed by health. It is necessary to inform the health administrator when fever, cough and other new symptoms of pneumonia are suspected.
(2) Strengthen publicity. We should cooperate with the local epidemic prevention and control headquarters to do a good job in publicity and psychological counseling for construction workers. Novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control knowledge is publicized through various channels and forms. Carry out targeted psychological support and crisis intervention according to the actual situation of different groups such as confirmed cases, suspected cases and close contacts, Stabilize the mood of construction workers and avoid excessive panic.
5、 Termination of plan
(1) novel coronavirus pneumonia can be terminated after suspected cases are sent to the fever clinic of a local designated hospital.
(2) When the cases have been treated in isolation, the close contacts have been observed for 14 days, there are no new cases in the follow-up, and the environment has been effectively disinfected, the prevention and control leading group shall decide to terminate the response after being evaluated by the local health department.
Implementation time of the plan From the date of issuance to the end of the epidemic situation.

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